Monday, July 7, 2008

Guess what?

Yeah people finally!
Our cgl Sherin's matrimony

Invitation card- taken from mm's blog :D

The day itself.
Was rather late and missed walking down the aisle and video.

She and her daddy!


Thank you speech

Groom's turn

Picture of us with a new Mrs!

Darryl's chomping off his laska to take a picture with us.

While waiting.. camwhoring time!!
Background was very orangey -.-

3 in a row+ her forever shocking pose >.<

lols quoted from mm 'retarded is saved in Christ'

He's surrounded by beauties okay! *ahem*

My dream car if I ever pass my driving license lols
The whole morning went on smoothly.
Wonder when will be our batch of newly-weds, I want to be a bridesmaid at least once!

Now the attention will be diverted to ME, not Sherin anymore.

Last Saturday.
Preaching by Rev Mike Connell about disappointment.
Everyone faces it, depends how you look into the situation and how to handle them.

For me, I feel disappointed with myself.
Work: Not reaching targeted pitching.
God: Not discplined to spend more time and insensitive.
Family: Make folks worry.
Disappointment towards them.

I rely on others for advices more rather then to Him.
I ought to change.

The Holy Spirit was in power too.
People vomiting, screaming, fainting. Demons cast out in the name of Jesus.
Very afraid for me, felt like puking too.
God can do anything to protect his children :)

Proceeded on to Damien's house for a game called Rock Band!
There's drums, mic, bass, guitar.
Everyone was so high!!!!
We should do more of these often- TO DESTRESS lols!

Here's a short clip

As for Sunday, watched Hancock at vivo today with dearest.
My apologies for being late.
Bad habit being late queen -.-
Poor thing, don't know why he seems so weary everytime.
Toured the place abit and bused home.

My patas have 2 horses already!!
How cute is that. teehee

My days of playing will end soon, school's starting on the 21st!
Feeling excited as well as bored.
A new chapter of my life awaits :D

Cheers everyone and enjoy my blog song! *pictures of youuu, pictures of mee~*

p/s: Boo hoo, I'm gaining weight due to late night dinners, someone call me out to lose weight please! :(